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Prayer: Pray Like Jesus
Prayer  |  Apr 26, 2022
Prayer: Pray Like Jesus



As we seek to grow in our prayer life, we can look to the example Jesus gives us in Matthew 6.

We see Jesus teach us how to pray in 7 lines, 7 petitions unto God. He says, “when you pray, pray like this…” 

1. Our Father who is in Heaven hallowed is your name

2. Your Kingdom come

3. Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven

4. Give us this day our daily bread

5. And forgive us our offenses as we forgive those that have offended us

6. Lead us not into temptation

7. Deliver us from evil

The first 3 petitions focus on us aligning our lives with God. The 4 petitions after this ask for God’s help. 

Jesus is saying, when you pray, first thank God for who He is and what He’s done. Then come and ask freely. He is our DAILY BREAD, the one who FORGIVES, who HELPS and DELIVERS us from the evil and its attacks. 

Too often, we approach the throne in the reverse order. Asking God to do and give because we want or need. But Jesus shows us that we must first align of thoughts to the understanding that it’s God's kingdom that will come forth, not ours, and he is to be feared and revealed all things. 

This also helps us. It reminds us that God is in control of all things. It helps connects our mind to what matters. 

Next time you pray, try this— Take a deep breath per the first 3 lines of the Lord's Prayer before you begin to petition him. See what happens.