What do we mean when we say Jesus matters most?
God’s grace is prevalent in the world, even though sin was introduced through human action. In love, God purposefully worked redemption through Jesus Christ alone. The good news of Jesus (his birth, life, death, resurrection, ascension, and promised return) is an invitation to salvation available to all people. By God’s grace, through faith, we trust Jesus’ sufficient salvation. Because of this, we are intentionally Christ-centered in our expressions, commitments, and endeavors.
What is transformation?
Transformation is the change-process Christians experience by God’s grace through the Holy Spirit’s effective work as we trust, draw upon, and fully embrace Jesus’ sufficient salvation. Transformation begins when a person who does not know the good news about Jesus hears and personally trusts Jesus’ salvation. Transformation deepens as we learn to draw upon Christ’s salvation for personal understanding and identity. Likewise, transformation widens as we embrace Christ’s purposes in our church and in the world.