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Please check out this page during this time of transition for text and video updates. We’ll be sharing updates about every six weeks (or more often) to keep you informed during this season. 

If you would like to read the letter that Pastor Paul mentions in the video about the elder recommendation process, please CLICK HERE. If you would like to make a recommendation, you can pick up a card at the Big Desk on Sunday morning.

Download Here

Past Updates

A brief update about what different teams have been working on recently.

Download Here

A letter from the Advisory Team sharing updates on the work streams initiated before a new Lead Pastor is hired.

Download Here

Check out the Video Update Here

An update on the transition and staffing.

Check out the Video Update Here

If you would like to request access to the document referenced in the video, please CLICK HERE.

Check out the Video Update Here

For those of you who watched remotely, I'm very sorry that the feed cut off prematurely. For others who weren't able to make it, we wanted to make sure that the content from the entire meeting was recorded and made available upon request. Because this was a family meeting we are taking measures to ensure that it doesn't get widely distributed.

  • Here is a link to the video from our July 17 church-wide meeting.

  • When you click the link, it will take you to a google drive file and you will need to click the blue "request access" button.

  • Once access has been given, you'll receive an email notifying that you now have access to view the video. 

  • Click the link in that second email and it will pull up the video.

For those who have trouble watching the video electronically we will be setting up some dates and times for group viewing at the church on upcoming Sunday mornings. Stay tuned for more information to come. 

Check out the Video Update Here

Thank you to everyone who completed the Church Assessment Tool survey. 763 people took the assessment which represents 89% of our current weekly average attendance of 857. With so many responses, NL Moore has a high degree of confidence in the results.

NL Moore has prepared and provided us with an Executive Summary of the results of the Church Assessment Tool. This summary can be considered "quantitative data." Qualitative data that was shared through focus groups and interviews with staff and elders is still being processed. Once that information is received and processed by our church leadership, we will make known those findings and recommendations to the larger church as we consider the next steps in our transition process.

What can we do in the meantime?

The summary is likely to spark a lot of conversation throughout the church. Thank you for your part in fostering peace and conflict resolution. Also, please reflect on this report. There are many opportunities in front of us as a church to grow and pursue health as we seek to continue with our mission of changing lives and transforming communities in the name of Jesus. This is a shared goal which requires each of us together playing our part.

Click Here to View the Summary
Check out the Video Update Here

Changes happening to the budget.

We have made adjustments to our 2022 operating budget (just under $4.7 million) by cutting around $350,000 in light of current giving trends. We're thankful for you, church, for responding as we've seem some consistent growth when it comes to giving. However, we still have some more work to do with our budget, so we're working on future cuts to be good stewards and to be responsible with what the Lord has entrusted us with. We're asking, as the Lord leads you, to continue to faithfully support and partner with us so we can all do the work we feel led to do.

What is happening and coming up at each Campus

Exciting things are happening at each campus. New people are joining us and getting connected each week. We will have baptism services at each campus on May 1. Our family dedication services will happen during services on Mother's Day, May 8. And finally, on September 17 & 18, we'll all join together for our 60th Anniversary Celebration.

First steps in the pastor search process

We are partnering with NL Moore, a company made up of believers whose sole purpose and passion is matching the right pastor with the right church. One of the main tools they use is the Congregational Assessment Tool. This assessment will be made available for members and attenders to take beginning April 24. This Church Assessment Tool will provide us with valuable insight to help us find the right Lead Pastor for our church. Your input will be very helpful in this process so we hope you'll make time in your schedule to take the assessment. It will be available until Sunday, May 8. You'll receive email reminders to participate and there will be a link to the assessment from this page.

Joining Together in Prayer

We have set a few prayer initiatives for the remainder of 2022 to help lead our church in unified prayer during our current season of transition. Visit our Seasons of Prayer page.

The Big God Story

The Big God Story comes to life in our weekend children's classes. By putting each Bible story in the context of a greater narrative, the Bible becomes much more than a collection of short stories. We want kids to understand that they not only play a part in this incredible story, but are also part of a much larger faith community of past, present and future believers.

Team Leads

Austin Adams
Lead Pastor
Brad Aslin
Strategic Operations Pastor
Dan Borth
Transformational Ministries Pastor