Emergency Weather Response
Mid Rivers Campus
Calvary has committed to three weeks of coverage for the 2023-2024 Emergency Weather Response. This means that if the temperature is predicted to be 20 degrees or below, we will 'activate' and invite un-housed folks into our church to stay warm overnight.
Calvary's three weeks of coverage are:
- January 21-27,
- February 18-24, and
- March 10-17
(Note: Each week begins on Sunday night and ends Sunday morning.)
The positions that we need to fill are:
- Greeter - 8:30-11:15 pm (One needed) Welcomes guests and directs them to Intake for registration.
- Intake - 8:30-11:15 pm (Two needed) Meets with guests ,reviews rules of the Warming Center and completes the registration process.
- Overnight - 10:00 pm - 2:00 am (3 needed (mix of men/women) Maintain a quiet environment and address any issues if any arise. MOST NEEDED
- Overnight - 2:00 am - 7:00 am (3 needed (mix of men/women) Maintain a quiet environment and address any issues if any arise. MOST NEEDED
- Breakfast Team - 5:45 - 7:15 am Provides breakfast for our guests to enjoy upon waking.
- Site Cleaner - 6:15 - 7:15 am Cleans up after our guests have left, resetting the space for the next night.
- Bedding Washer - 7:15 am Takes all used bedding to the laundromat to wash/dry/return to Calvary for the next activation.
- Tear Down - 7:30 - 9:00 am Removes all EWR materials and packs them back into the EWR trailer in preparation for the next activation.
The Emergency Weather Response (EWR) season has started will go through March 15th, 2024. If temperatures are predicted to be 20 degrees or below overnight, the Continuum of Care will activate a Free Warming Center Response to provide safe sleeping locations for the night. To find an overnight sleeping location during an activation, call the hotline after 3 pm (636) 395-0328. Transportation services may be available. Learn more about EWR here: http://www.communitycouncilstc.org/coc/emergency-weather-response
Training is available Thursday, December 14. from 7 - 8:30 pm at St. John UCC located at 405 S 5th St, St. Charles, MO 63301. Registration not necessary. (No need to repeat class if you have already taken it.)
For more information or to sign up to help, CLICK HERE.