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Daniel Series

Daniel Series

Daniel: Part 1

In part 1 of Daniel we see a prophet who finds himself exiled in Babylon among a people who live and worship differently than Israel. But even in Babylon where idolatry is on full display Daniel is called to an obedience that displays the power of his God and blesses the people he serves. Daniel is an exemplar that teaches us how to be faithful when the kingdom we are in looks very little like the kingdom of God. As we walk through this series we will see that like Daniel we are invited into a faithfulness and worship that elevates our God above the idols of our day and blesses the people God has given us influence with. For Daniel, and for us, there is hope for the day in which we no longer experience exile from the Garden, and there is the mission of the kingdom of God in which we participate until that day comes. 

Check out resources below that our team has prepared to help you get more out of this series!

Other Resources

Listed below are other resources to help us better understand Paul's Letter to the Galatians. 

Sacred Marriage

The Bible Project

The Bible Project's mission is to help people experience the Bible as a unified story that leads to Jesus. Check out their "Learn Daniel" page for an overview of the book and some videos!

ESV Scripture Journal: Daniel

ESV Scripture Journal: Daniel

“Take extended notes alongside passages of Scripture, with lined blank pages interspersed throughout complete books of the Bible.”

ESV Scripture Journals pair the entirety of individual books of the Bible with lightly lined blank pages opposite each page of Bible text, allowing readers to take extended notes or record insights and prayers directly beside corresponding passages of Scripture.

These thin, portable notebooks are great for personal Bible reading and reflection, small-group study, or taking notes through a sermon series.

Exalting Jesus in Daniel

Exalting Jesus in Daniel

Exalting Jesus in Daniel is part of the Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary series. This series affirms that the Bible is a Christ-centered book, containing a unified story of redemptive history of which Jesus is the hero. It’s presented as sermons, divided into chapters that conclude with a “Reflect & Discuss” section, making this series ideal for small group study, personal devotion, and even sermon preparation. It’s not academic but rather presents an easy-reading, practical and friendly commentary. The series is projected to be 48 volumes.

Daniel For You: For reading, for feeding, for leading

Daniel For You: For reading, for feeding, for leading

We live in difficult times to be people who obey God and worship him alone. How can we be confident under pressure and faithful in the fire?

In this readable, accessible, exciting volume walking through one of the best-loved books of the Bible, David Helm shows how Daniel and his friends learned how to live in Babylon, far from their home in God's land—and how we can do the same.