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Advent 2020

Advent 2020

Advent, borrowed from the Latin adventus meaning “arrival” or “appearance,” is a word typically applied to the four Sundays before Christmas that are set apart for prayer and reflection.

Just as the people of God waited for the arrival of their Messiah, the church, too, waits for Christ’s Second Coming. In this season of uncertainty, may we wait well, not because of the merit of our ability to wait, but because of our confidence in God's faithfulness in coming.

We have created resources to help our church experience the meaning of Christmas, and we encourage you to set aside time each week individually or as a family to watch, listen, read, reflect, and pray.


Isaiah 9:2-7 - As God’s people were about to head into exile, God delivered hope through a promise. Someday, this will all be over—a King would come who would make all things new. Christmas celebrates the hope that God sent Jesus to fulfill that promise and rescue creation once and for all. Knowing that God has kept His promises in the past gives us hope that God will continue keeping His promises in the future.


• What is something you hope for?

• How can you stay hopeful even while you wait for God to show up?

• When have you seen God provide for you in the past?


“Dear God, thank You for reminding us during this time of year that You keep Your promises—every single time! Thank You for the promise of Jesus. Thank You for the hope that we have in Him. Please help us to remember what You did for Your people—and for us—when You sent Jesus to be our Savior. In the name of Jesus. Amen.”


Luke 2:8-20 - After Jesus was born, the first people to hear the good news were some unassuming shepherds in a field minding their own business. The angel announced Jesus’ birth along with an angel choir that proclaimed God’s peace for everyone on earth. They rushed to see the baby for themselves. They were so excited that they spent the rest of the night telling everyone they could about Jesus. We hope that this Christmas you would come to know God’s love and believe that Jesus truly is the Savior of the world.


• What does it mean to experience peace?

• Why is peace sometimes hard to find?

• How can we have peace in knowing that God loves us and sent us Jesus?


“Dear God, thank You for this reminder that Your peace is for everyone. You love and care about each and every one of us. You love us so much that You sent Jesus to be our Savior. Thank You for the peace that comes when we put our faith in You. Especially this year, help us to trust You. In the name of Jesus. Amen.”


Luke 1:26-38, 46-47 - The angel Gabriel appeared to Mary to announce that she would be Jesus’ mother. This must have come as quite a surprise. After all, Mary wasn’t married yet, and she had different plans for her life. Gabriel reminded her that nothing is impossible with God. She could have been overwhelmed by this startling news, but she chose to respond with a song of joy. Nothing takes God by surprise; we can trust that God has an ultimate plan for our lives. Discover the joy that comes from believing in Jesus and trusting in God’s plan for us.


• How do you feel when your plans don’t happen like you want them to?

• How can we remember to have joy, even when our plans change?

• What does it mean to experience joy and how can we cultivate joy this season?


“Dear God, thank You for sending Jesus to be our Savior. We can see how Mary trusted Your plan, and You filled her heart with joy. Thank You for reminding us that You have a plan for our lives, too. Help us to find our joy in You, because Your plans are ALWAYS for your glory and the good of others. In the name of Jesus. Amen.”


Luke 2:1-7 - From a humanly perspective, this whole situation must have seemed crazy to Mary and Joseph. Not only was Mary expecting the baby who would save the world, but now she and Joseph had to travel to Bethlehem for the census. When they arrive, there’s no room for them to stay except for the place they keep the animals. As hectic as this might have seemed, this is exactly how God wanted Jesus to enter the world. Right from the start, God wanted to have a relationship with us. Even when we mess up, God continues to love and make a way to rescue us. Jesus is proof that God loves us unconditionally.


• What are we giving others this Christmas?

• How does it make you feel knowing God loves you so much?

• How can we show God’s love to others?


“Dear God, thank You for showing Your love by sending Jesus. You kept Your promise to send a Savior, and You sent Him at just the right time. Help us to always remember how much You love us—so much that You sent Your own Son to rescue us. And help us remember the true meaning of Christmas as we celebrate with our family and friends. In the name of Jesus. Amen.”


John 1:1-5, 14 - The “Word” John is talking about is Jesus. Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God. He has been with God from the beginning, giving life and breath to all things. Christmas is the celebration that Jesus became like us. He lived and died and rose again so that we could have life that lasts forever with God. This Christmas let’s celebrate that Jesus came to rescue us and God is always with us.


• What’s your favorite thing about Christmas? Why?

• How can we focus on Jesus this Christmas?

• How can we stay focused on Jesus throughout the whole year?


“Dear God, thank You for sending Jesus to be our Savior. Thank You for sending Jesus to be a light in this world that can seem so dark. This Christmas, keep us focused on Jesus, the true reason for why we celebrate. As we remember how much You love us, help us know how we can show Your love to others this Christmas. In the name of Jesus. Amen.”